Preta Jyotish / Preta Astrology
The word Preta or Pret comes from Sanskrit, meaning a soul that roams the Earth without a body; it is also referred to as a spirit.
After death, the soul of every deceased person does not receive rebirth or liberation, which is why the Preta waits for reincarnation, or for a new body, and resides on Earth, often attached to a person or a place; this is also known as a wandering spirit (Preta).
Modern science also supports the idea that preta wander around us, with evidence available in millions of videos on the internet. Thus, it is a truth that along with living beings, there are billions of preta(s) present on Earth.
It is said that there are 8.4 million types of beings on Earth, among which preta-yoni (spirit form) is one type that most souls must experience before rebirth.
In Preta Jyotish, there is a board 156 words inscribed, which convey messages and signals from Preta(s). The Preta Jyotish expert analyses these words to determine the types of Preta(s) surrounding the individual and the problems they may face in the future.
Preta Jyotish is a unique form of astrology that differs from traditional astrological calculations. It does not require personal information like the individual’s name, birth date, birth time or birth place.
as the sooner you receive messages and guidance from Preta Jyotish, the sooner you and your family will be liberated from spirits (Pretas), along with every kind of comfort in your life.
Our Elite Services:
Preta Jyotish Vani - प्रेता ज्योतिष वाणी
Preta Mukti Vidhi - प्रेता मुक्ति विधि
Preta Jagat Gyan - प्रेता जगत ज्ञान